Saturday, December 11, 2010

Starting Career As A Worker's Compensation Lawyer

There are certain mishaps that occur at the workplace and the worker's compensation lawyer is the one who specializes in dealing with such mishaps and accidents. His main aim is to provide help to his clients in getting financial compensation from their employers or insurance companies.

Here we have to make one thing clear that employers have no obligation to pay compensation if the accident resulted from employee error and the employer followed the worker's safety regulations. However, it has seen that employers often try to avoid paying the worker's compensation even if the employee is not responsible for the accident. Here the worker's compensation lawyer makes certain that his client receive the compensation to which they have entitlement.

1. If you want to become a lawyer, you have to take initiatives from the start. You have to develop verbal, writing and communication skills and have to do extensive study and work on your way to become a successful lawyer.

2. It is important to earn a graduate degree with good grades in order to take admission in a reputable Law schools. Most of the reputable Law schools check your school records as well. So, if you are serious about becoming a lawyer, take your school seriously.

3. A satisfactory GPA is not just enough; you have to secure good scoring in your LSAT test that is comprised five multiple choice sections and a writing sample to evaluate your logical reasoning, reading comprehension and problem solving skills.

4. You will find a number of different law schools in your city, but you should look for the ones that are accredited schools. Each and every school has different criteria for registration. So, choose the one that best suits you. For accredited schools, you can find the list on ABA website ( or on the Law School Admission Council (

5. After getting admission in the law school, you will be taught the basics of the legal system, including how to think, write and act as a lawyer. In the second phase of studies, you have to choose the courses that will mold your skills to work as a worker's compensation attorney.

6. It is a good idea to look for a compensation attorney in your area and offer your services as an internee or a part time job in his/her office. Getting some work experience during your study program will help you get a good job at the end of the law school.

7. Normally, it will take three years to complete the law school. But if you are doing it on part time bases, it will extend to even five years.

8. The next step is to prepare yourself for the bar exam. It is perhaps one of the most difficult exams for many of the lawyers. You have to prepare for it before registering yourself for with bar association in your state for taking the examination.

9. Once you clear the bar examination, you will become eligible for the license. Get your license and start practicing law as compensation attorney.

You might be interested in learning about How to Be a Truck Accident Lawyer and also How to Be a Traffic Lawyer.

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Be Thorough About Damage Reporting After a Car Accident

An experienced Cerritos car accident lawyer will tell you that if you get into a car crash, you need to be very clear about the damages and losses you sustained if you expect to be fairly compensated by an insurance company. Before going into detail, a brief overview of car accidents in Cerritos, California may shed some light on just how often such losses occur.

Car Accidents in Cerritos Reflect Mounting Tragedies

Statistics compiled by the California Highway Patrol's Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) showed that in 2006, five people lost their lives and 434 people were injured in Cerritos car crashes. Seventeen pedestrians were injured. One bicyclist died and five were injured. Motorcycle accidents killed two and injured 18. Additionally, DUI crashes resulted in three deaths and 21 injuries. In 2007, five car accidents resulted in five fatalities. In 2008, three car crashes ended in three deaths.

Ask a Car Accident Lawyer to Help You Compile a List of Damage Claims

Some of today's most experienced Cerritos car accident lawyers often advise their clients who have been in a car crash to make a detailed list of every item that qualifies for reimbursement. This should be included in the letter of damages that you submit to an insurance adjuster. Regrettably, most car accident victims try to settle their property damage claims on their own, without first consulting a car collision lawyer. This is the exact opposite of what car crash lawyers recommend. Many car accident victims are overwhelmed by their accident and only consider the loss of their vehicle. They often forget CD and DVD players, expensive navigation systems, custom wheels and other aftermarket accessories that can run into thousands of dollars.

If the car was a Porsche, high-end Mercedes or other expensive vehicle that had to be repaired, these vehicles take a huge hit in resale value. The thing to remember is that insurance companies are in no way motivated to fully reimburse you for your damages. In fact, once you sign a release of property damage claims, you can't claim any more items later. The same holds true for the drop in value of a repaired vehicle you previously failed to mention. The insurance company is done. Case closed.

In over three decades, BISNAR | CHASE lawyers have represented over six thousand people in car, motorcycle, truck, pedestrian and other personal injury cases. The law firm has an "AV" rating, the highest level of professional excellence, by Martindale-Hubble. John Bisnar, who is the author of this article, and his partner Brian Chase each have a "Superb 10/10" Avvo rating, the highest possible. John was named a "Community Hero" by the United Way, while Brian was named a "Trial Lawyer of the Year" in 2004,one of the 2007 Top 100 Trial Lawyers, and a 2009 OC METRO Top Personal Injury Lawyer. Isn't this the legal team you want representing you? For more information on Cerritos car accident lawyers, visit the BISNAR | CHASE website at where you can get a complimentary copy of "The Seven Fatal Mistakes That Can Wreck Your California Personal Injury Claim" ($14.99 value) or call 1-800-561-4887 for a free consultation.

Copyright 2009 BISNAR | CHASE. All Rights Reserved.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Tips on Avoiding Car Accidents

To show the overwhelming number of car accidents and casualties in the roads of U.S., here are some relevant statistics that would inform you how frequent a car crash occurs.

  • There is an average of six million records of car accidents every year.

  • More than three million people get injured in a car crash, with over two million injuries being permanent.

  • There are over 40,000 lives lost in car accidents annually. Fortunately, this record has been declining

  • About 40% of car accident fatalities are due to a driver driving under the influence of alcohol

  • About 30% of car accident fatalities trace back to driving beyond speed limit

  • A person dies in an accident every 12 minutes

  • A person gets injured in an accident every 14 seconds

  • Car accident is the leading cause of death among people aged 34 and below. People, who are between 15 to 24 years old, and those above 75, are the most severely injured by automobile accidents.

  • More than 25% of all car drivers were involved in a car accident in a five-year period.

  • In more than half of the recorded car accident fatalities, the victims were not found not to be wearing their seatbelts.

  • About 25% of car accidents are caused by talking on the mobile phone while driving

  • Many car accidents are due to drivers being distracted while talking, eating, drinking, or playing the radio.

Sadly, these accidents could have been prevented. Drivers could avoid being involved in these accidents if they follow traffic laws and drive with absolute caution. There are a number of standard driving rules that should be observed in order to reduce the probability of an accident.

  • Drive according to road and weather conditions. If there is heavy rain, expect that the road will be slippery so you must drive slowly. The ability to stop the car quickly greatly reduces when the roads are not dry.

  • Observe speed limit.

  • Put your seat belts on. It will hold you in place in case of an aggressive maneuver.

  • Maintain your vehicle in proper condition. Check regularly if any is malfunctioning and repair any damage right away. Replace worn tires or breaks as needed.

  • Do not overtake recklessly. Avoid tailgating as well.

  • Watch out and take special caution at intersections. Slow down and look both ways. Other vehicles may try to cut through the intersection while the yellow light is on.

  • Stay away from heavy vehicles like 18-wheelers, large freight carriers, trucks, trailers, etc.

  • Watch out for those on foot or those riding in two-wheels. Make sure no pedestrian, jogger, or cyclist is crossing or passing by.

  • Avoid driving under the influence of alcohol since intoxication may cause your body reflexes to weaken and make you lose control of your vehicle.

Many law firms have come into operation in offering legal assistance to those involved in an automobile accident that was not their fault. Car accident lawyers can help injured victims, or surviving family members of a victim, earn compensation for the damages they have incurred from the party responsible with the accident.

Find more information about handling car accident claims with the help of our Car accident attorneys

Jinky once aspired to become an hotelier. Now, she hopes of becoming a successful doctor. She intends to pursue this dream in the near future. In the meantime, she's glad for the opportunity to enhance her writing skills while working as a content writer.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Truck Accidents - Hours of Service Violations

Semi-trailer trucks, referred to more commonly as 18-wheelers, pose a unique risk to other drivers on the road. These large vehicles can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds, or 40 times the weight of an average passenger car. They can therefore cause significant damage and serious injury or death if they cause or are involved in an accident. Truck drivers must use caution and follow all laws to ensure that they do not put other motorists in danger. When truck operators do not follow rules and behave negligently, they may be held liable for any accidents that they cause.

Driving While Tired

One particular truck hazard is the risk of a driver operating a semi-trailer truck while tired. Truck drivers who drive too many hours at a time without adequate rest have a much higher chance of causing a crash. To reduce this risk, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration created Hours of Service regulations that limit how many hours a truck driver may work at once. However, sometimes drivers or trucking companies knowingly violate these rules and put other road users in danger.

A tired driver is slower to react to sudden changes on the road than a rested driver and also is less alert. Some truck drivers have even fallen asleep at the wheel. When a driver cannot safely operate a semi-trailer truck, he or she may lose control and veer off of the road, jackknife, or even cause a rollover accident. Unsuspecting motorists may suddenly find themselves in the truck's path of destruction and may be severely injured or even killed because of a negligent truck operator.

Accident Liability and Compensation

If you or someone you love has been hurt in a truck accident caused by a tired driver, you may have grounds to sue for an hours of service violation. The driver or truck company may be liable for the violation that led to your accident, and you may be entitled to financial compensation for your accident-related costs. An experienced truck accident lawyer can work with you to investigate your case and fight on your behalf for the compensation that you need to cover your medical bills, lost wages from time off of work, recovery costs, and pain and suffering.

For More Information

To learn more about truck accident lawsuits and injury liability, visit the website of the Bronx truck accident attorneys of Parker Waichman Alonso, LLP, today.

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Fender Benders and the Myth of Minor Collisions

Fender Bender Accidents and the Myth of Minor Collisions

The cars and trucks that are being manufactured today are, almost without question, safer than those that have been made at any time during the history of the automobile. There are safety measures to help drivers to avoid becoming involved in accidents and there are safety features designed to reduce the severity of harm and injury inflicted by those collisions that do occur. But the troubling reality is that even those motor vehicle accidents that appear to be relatively minor and unlikely to do much damage to a vehicle's occupants can lead to injuries which require extensive and expensive medical attention or automobile repairs.

Collisions involving a vehicle that is traveling at low speeds can, depending upon a number of different factors, cause significant jarring of a driver's body. Certainly, the potential severity of these injuries pales in comparison to the threat posed to motorist safety by high speed head-on crashes, but it is still important for drivers to understand that they should seek medical attention in the wake of an automobile accident because some of the most troubling dangers offer little immediate or external suggestion of their existence.

Low-intensity Crash Complications

Gruesome images of twisted metal and wreckage from high speed crashes can be found quite frequently in media accounts of these tragic incidents and they are also often included in movies or television shows because of the powerful effect of such graphic depictions. It should come as no surprise then that some motorists tend to be dismissive of those collisions that lack striking evidence of trauma. Some of the potential dangers of these crashes may include:

  • Neck injuries, including whiplash

  • Airbag defects

  • Seatbelt malfunctions

  • Back injuries caused by rapid flexion or compression

  • Neurological problems

  • Dental injuries

  • Heart attacks caused by shock

  • Brain injuries including the so-called "talk and die" syndrome, where one appears to be in possession of his or her faculties only to perish later

Adhering to safe driving practices and remaining consistently and actively aware about your surroundings while you are driving can go a long way toward preventing the threat of these accidents. But it is especially important to stay engaged in the following high-risk places and situations:

  • In gridlocked or otherwise dense highway traffic

  • At stoplights and stop signs

  • In parking lots and parking structures

  • On hills where rollback accidents may occur

Legal Guidance

Your insurance policy may not cover the full cost of your medical care and a legal action may be the only way to avoid financial distress. Contact the Racine car accident lawyers of Habush Habush & Rottier, S.C., to speak with a skilled and experienced attorney about your potential case.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Traffic Accident Lawyers - How Much Money Will it Take to Get an Auto Accident Settlement?

Are you considering hiring one of the local traffic accident lawyers? In this article we are going to talk about the question "How much money will it take to get an auto accident settlement?".

When you go through a car wreck it is not uncommon for you to be wondering what is going to happen next. These things can be quite confusing and sometimes down right scary. I remember when I was pulling up to a drive thru at a local fast food place and bumped the person in front of me. I was horrified and worried that my insurance was going to go up but the person in front of me didn't seem to want to get out so I didn't either. Now I know that is a big no no but at the time I didn't. If I would have hit them a little harder I could have caused whiplash, bruising or maybe some more serious injuries. Let's go on to talk more about the question "How much money will it take to get an auto accident settlement?".

The Free Way

If you are trying to get the cash that you deserve out of a car crash claim then you may be thinking about going about things the free way. By free way I just mean that you would be taking care of the claim on your own without involving any outside help such as traffic accident lawyers. While it may look like the best way, free is not always better.

No Fee Up Front Way

This is my favorite option. When you want to get a good auto accident settlement I always recommend that you at least talk to a professional. They are able to give you good advice and can maximize the size of your settlement with their expert knowledge. This said there is no way to tell exactly how much a lawyer fee is going to be. They all vary and you should make sure to check with someone that is local.

Ready To Get The Money You Deserve?

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

New York Construction Accident Lawyer, Attorney Nicholas Papain

New York City Injury Lawyer Nicholas Papain, one of the state's prominent personal injury trial lawyers. Nick is a leading construction accident attorney and member partner of Sullivan Papain Block McGrath Cannavo PC. Nick is also a President Of New York Trial Lawyers Association (NYSTLA). His Firm Sullivan Papain Block McGrath Cannavo PC offers following services: New Yok Construction Accident Injuries, Car / Auto / MV Accidents Premises Liability, Product Defects Medical Malpractice and plaintiff personal injury lawsuits. As a leading New York Personal Injury Law firm they also have offices in Long Island and New Jersey and he has a team of qualified New Jersey Injury lawyers to handle your case.

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Trucking Accidents - Whose Fault is It?

Truck accidents with passenger vehicles can occur due to errors or problems related to either driver. Many truck drivers blame the auto driver, while many auto drivers blame the truck driver. Each accident has its own unique combination of factors. Sometimes it's the fault of one or a combination of both. Knowledge and action on both sides can prevent accidents from happening in the first place. What problems cause accidents between large commercial trucks and passenger vehicles?

Many passenger vehicle drivers are not aware of how a commercial truck differs from their car. Large commercial trucks weigh many times more than the average family sedan. When they are carrying heavy loads, this weight begins to multiply. These large trucks need more time and space to accelerate and brake. They also have limited visibility on certain areas around their trucks. Drivers of passenger vehicles often do not consider these limitations when maneuvering around these large trucks. Many accidents occur when passenger vehicles drivers make stupid moves. These include changing lanes too close in front, trying to go around a turning truck, turning left in front of a truck, and pulling out in front of one from a side road. There are many other scenarios as well where an auto driver fails to consider a large truck's limitations.

Now, none of this puts drivers of large commercial vehicles in the innocent category. While most drivers are well trained professionals, the business model many drivers work with causes problems. Many companies pay independent haulers for the number of miles driven. The more miles they drive the more pay they receive. This puts drivers under pressure to drive faster and to work longer hours than most consider safe. Many companies apply heavy pressure with outrageous schedules and expectations. All of this puts drivers into dangerous situations constantly. Many enter the trucking field without the level of training needed for safety.

Maintenance delay of large commercial vehicles contributes to accident rates as well. Private haulers as well as large trucking companies try to save money by scrimping on basic maintenance. Skipping every other oil change or brake inspection saves cash for the short term. However, it contributes to higher accident rates. Regular maintenance cuts down on tire blowouts and brake failures. In the end, passenger vehicle drivers, truck drivers, and trucking companies all contribute in various ways to commercial vehicle accidents. Each one is unique to the combination of factors involved.

Myers Injury Law is a premier Missouri truck accident lawyer. Truck accident cases require very specialized knowledge. Insurance companies have unlimited resources to hire specialized defense lawyers to prevent you from collecting what you deserve. The only way to make sure you are treated fairly is to hire an attorney experienced with truck accidents. Contact Myers Injury Law at 877-783-8757 or

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Florida Accident Lawyers

There are many lawyers in the state of Florida who have been helping the people of the state stand up for their rights against those who are causing them injury. It could be from a traffic accident, accidents at the workplace or accidents in a badly constructed house, the victim suffers physical injury, mental trauma, as well as financial loss.

The rich can afford lawyers to defend their cases and bully the victims into not filing a case. Even the insurance companies put pressure on them to not go to court and make an out of court settlement. But with the right lawyers, and an experienced and skillful team, it is possible to stand up against the biggest and the richest to demand what is legally yours.

Insurance agencies try to put pressure on the victim to settle out of court. But would that be a truthful settlement for the injury and the loss? Only a court of law can decide that. So, it is advantageous to approach a court of law for the right and due compensation. By proving that you have received some kind of a personal injury or a property injury through an accident, the accident lawyer will ensure that you receive appropriate compensation.

The state of Florida has a 'No-Fault' clause attached to insurance claims for a Florida car accident. This clause gives the right to the victim to claim from the defaulter for property damages, bodily damages, permanent injury or death.

So, if you are in Florida and have suffered from injury due to an accident, the law is there to help you and support you. The best way to use the law to your benefit would be to hire a skilled Florida accident lawyer to represent your case.

Accident Lawyers provides detailed information on Accident Lawyers, Auto Accident Lawyers, Aviation Accident Lawyers, Car Accident Lawyers and more. Accident Lawyers is affiliated with Illinois Car Accident Lawyers.

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Matlock - The Accident (Part 2)

This episode is part of the Don Knotts Matlock Collection. Description: Eugene Dobbs and Nolan Wheeler are the perfect combination -- Dobbs presents the cases, and Wheeler does all the legwork. After Dobbs is unable to keep the promises he makes to football coach John Kramer, Dobbs meets his maker one night at the office, with Kramer as the prime suspect. Matlock takes the case, in part to prove to Kramer that not all lawyers are schmucks like Dobbs, and in part because the list of people who want Dobbs dead is getting longer by the minute as Matlock and Conrad find an interesting link between Dobbs, the owner of a local water park, and Dobbs' wife. Originally aired on March 26, 1991, season 5

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Atlanta Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Medical malpractice is one of the most commonly accused forms of malpractice issued by a patient against medical personnel. A case of medical malpractice happens when a doctor or any other skilled and trained medical professional mismanages a case, causing the patient injury, loss or damage by his or her negligence or improper treatment.

There are lawyers who specifically deal with medical malpractices in Atlanta. These lawyers know the law of the state regarding medical malpractice, and they offer neutral third party guidance.

The laws of the state that has issued him/her the licence to practice bind any practicing medical professional, and sometimes, there may be instances when the patient has not responded properly to a line of treatment, and there really is no malpractice involved. Or there might be instances, where everything appears normal, but there is an underlying hint of malpractice. An experienced medical malpractice lawyer will instinctively know whether there is a case or not. Hence, it is a good idea to consult a good Atlanta medical malpractice lawyer, even if there is the slightest doubt of malpractice.

In case of a malpractice, the lawyer will not only take care of what needs to be done; he will also know how to go about investigating to make the case stronger for the patient. He will also know when to issue a lawsuit for the particular case and fight the case for the recovery of damages caused to the client.

Atlanta Lawyers provides detailed information on Atlanta Lawyers, Atlanta Bankruptcy Lawyers, Atlanta Criminal Lawyers, Atlanta Employment Lawyers and more. Atlanta Lawyers is affiliated with Atlanta Personal Injury Laws.

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Protecting Drivers - Trucking Hours of Service Regulations

Every day, drivers must share roads and highways with an increasingly large number of commercial trucks. 18-wheelers, semis, and other tractor-trailer trucks are now a common sight. Now more than ever, we might be concerned about the potential safety hazards posed by such heavy, unwieldy vehicles. The apprehension is only natural - the average fully loaded 18-wheeler can be many times larger and heavier than the average car. A collision between the two is completely one-sided.

Drivers aren't the only ones concerned about truck accidents; the federal government imposes very strict restrictions and regulations on the trucking industry - regulations aimed at ensuring the safety of those on the highway, including truck drivers themselves. While some laws set forth legal consequences which occur in the wake of an accident, most others are concerned with prevention.

One aspect of federal trucking laws are the Federal Hours of Service (HoS) Regulations. This set of laws is designed to reduce truck driver fatigue and allow (or force) them to get sufficient rest while on the job. Some studies show that as many as 1 in 10 truck drivers admit to driving while feeling drowsy. This creates significant safety hazards; sleep-deprived drivers have slower reaction speed, impaired judgment, and lack of coordination - symptoms comparable to intoxication.

HoS regulations have changed several times in recent years, and have been the subject of scrutiny by lawmakers, industry officials, and the courts. As they currently stand, HoS regulations are composed of three provisions:

The 11-hour limit states that, during the 14-hour window after a truck driver comes on duty, they may only operate a truck for 11 hours. The 14-hour window does not reset until a driver has completed 10 consecutive hours of off-duty time.

The 60/70-hour rule makes a distinction between the types of a company a driver might work for. If he is employed by a company which operates 6 days a week, he can only drive for up to 60 hours in a 7-day period. If he works for a company which operates 7 days a week, however, the limit is 70 hours in a 8-day period.

Finally, the 34-hour restart provision is a relatively new rule designed to avoid the long downtimes which occurred under previous incarnations of trucking law. It allows drivers to reset their 60/70-hour rule calculation period if they complete 34 consecutive hours off-duty.

Joseph Devine

To learn more about the laws which regulate the trucking industry and what effect they may have on you, visit the truck accident lawyers at

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Boating Accident Lawyers - Recreational Boating Injuries

Recreational boating and water-sport activities are meant to be just one thing: Fun. Unfortunately, those reckless drivers or drunken boaters often cause an accident that results in significant damage or bodily injury.

If injured as a result of a accident at sea it can be a benefit to talk to a reputable firm of boating accident lawyers. Talking to a attorney that specializes in personal injury from a water-craft incident is necessary to help in recovering any damages or compensation that might be entitled from a injury sustained. Pain & suffering, damage to property, loss of wages, rehabilitation, hospitalization and on going care are just some of the causes that a victim might make a claim.

It's a good ideal to report a boating incident with the first 48 hours. State regulations differ as to a stipulated time frame, but a responsible boat owner will take control of the situation as soon as possible. The most common boating incidents tend to be those that result in a collision with another vessel, a vessel capsizing, a fall overboard, and alcohol or drugs use.

Operator inattention, careless driving, and excessive speed are among the most common contributing factors to a boat accident. With the open watercrafts, PWCs (Jet skis or Waverunners), Jet boats and cabin motorboats seen as the vessel types most commonly associated with these incidents. Injuries sustained as a consequence of boating accident can often be severe or fatal. Possible injuries can include fractures, spinal damage, broken or dislocated bones and limb, or even in severe cases the loss of a limb.

If unfortunate to be involved in a incident at sea, the first thing that needs to be put in motion, after actually reporting it, is to get in contact with a firm of boating accident lawyers to represent your interests.

If you're interested in getting a more detailed look at Boat Accident Lawyers, including a variety of boating tips and ideas, take a look at

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

What To Do In Case Of A Truck Accident

Accidents involving trucks seldom occur but when they happen, they are often with tragic and disastrous results. Although incidents of large truck crashes have declined in recent years, accidents involving trucks still claim 5,000 fatalities each year.

Some of the common causes of truck accidents that may be attributed to truck drivers are the following:

o Driving without the required training and qualifications

o Driving over the speed limit to meet deadlines

o Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol

o Driving without getting enough rest or without taking breaks

o Not securing the loads

o Loading beyond the maximum capacity.

o Non-compliance of the required pre-trip inspection

o Loading liquid cargo lower than two-thirds the maximum capacity

However, there are instances when other vehicles are at fault and the error is on the part of the driver of the smaller vehicle. In which case, the accident occurs due to the following reasons:

o Driving in blind spots and no-zone of the trucks

o Cutting lanes in front of the truck

o Unable to maintain proper distance from the truck

o Trying to overtake a truck from the wrong lane

o Drinking while driving

o Failure to slow down or speed up when a truck changes lane

o Failure to heed signals of the approaching truck

o Driving between large trucks

After identifying these common violations that result to fatal truck accidents, the federal government has adopted special regulations and laws to govern the trucking industry and curb accidents involving trucks.

If you get involved in a truck accident and suffered injuries from it, the law will give you certain protection. In order to increase your chances of getting compensated for damage or injuries incurred in a truck accident, you will need to get the services of a truck accident lawyer.

If you need information regarding what to look for in a Truck Accident Lawyer please visit Los Angeles personal injury lawyers and law firm

Before becoming an online writer, Manuel worked as a journalist, a newspaper columnist, a scriptwriter, a fiction writer, a magazine editor, and a tutor. He acquired his legal background as a Senate legislative officer and later on, as a researcher and paralegal staff in various law offices. Someday he hoped to go back and devote more time to writing fiction, which is his first passion.

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Truck Accident Lawyers - Semi Tractor Trailer Accident Attorneys

Every 16 minutes, a person is killed or sustains injuries in accidents involving 18-wheelers, tractor-trailers or semi-trucks

In 2001, 429,000 large trucks were involved in traffic crashes (both fatal and minor) in the United States:
- 4,793 were involved in fatal crashes
- 5,082 people died
- 131,000 were injured
- In 2001, there were 6,536 total crashes involving tractor-trailer trucks in Pennsylvania;154 were fatal.

In 2003, there were 58,512 total vehicle accidents involved in fatal crashes in the U.S.

- 4,669 were large trucks involved in fatal truck accidents
- Large trucks are more likely to be involved in a fatal multi-vehicle crash than are passenger vehicles.

In 2003, Texas witnessed 5040 fatal traffic accidents, of which 438 were fatal truck accidents. This number has risen from 5039 total traffic accidents and 401 fatal truck accidents for the previous year 2002. Similarly, in Pennsylvania, there were 2233 fatal traffic accidents in 2003, of which 213 were fatal truck accidents, as opposed to corresponding numbers of 2198 and 174 for the year 2002. Florida had 4432 fatal traffic accidents in 2003, with 343 of them involving trucks, which was higher than 4431 total traffic accidents for 2002 but lower than the 351 fatal truck accidents in the same period. The highest number of fatal traffic accidents happened in California, with the number being a staggering 5725 fatal auto accidents in 2003. But at 332, the number of fatal truck accidents was not the highest among all states in the US.

Trucking revenues totaled $610 billion last year and revenues are forecasted to nearly double by 2015. The majority of fatal truck accidents occur in rural areas (68 percent) during the daytime (66 percent) and on weekdays (78 percent). In 2002, the majority of large truck crashes occurred in good weather (71 percent), on dry roads (71 percent), during the daytime (75 percent), and on weekdays (88 percent).

About 27 percent of all large truck drivers involved in fatal truck accidents throughout the United States had at least one prior speeding conviction compared to 19 percent of the passenger vehicle drivers involved in fatal crashes. From 1992 to 2002, the number of large trucks involved in fatal crashes has increased by up to 10% due to driver fatigue, unsafe vehicle operation, large, unstable loads or defective equipment.

Defects contribute to the number of large truck accidents each year. Some of these defects include:

- Tires or wheels: 80 crashes
- Brake-related: 76 crashes
- Engine/Transmission: 52 crashes
- Steering Wheel: 13 crashes

About 700 heavy truck drivers and passengers in truck cabs die each year. In addition, almost 3,700 persons in cars and other passenger vehicles die annually in collisions with heavy trucks.
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that in crashes involving large trucks and other vehicles, 98% of the fatalities occur to the people in passenger vehicles.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has warned groups using 15-seat passenger vans about the dangers of fully loading the vans and then putting an inexperienced driver behind the wheel. The NHTSA also stated that 15-passenger vans are large trucks and should only be driven by people with experience driving large trucks.

The FMCSA's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) classifies a truck as large if its gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) exceeds 10,000 pounds.

The majority of fatal crashes involving tractor-trailer trucks include trucks that are pulling one trailer. A recent survey showed that 64% of fatal truck crashes had one trailer. Thirty-two percent of those involved single-unit trucks (no trailer) and fewer than 4% of the those involved multi-trailer vehicles (more than one trailer).

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lawyer analyzes DWI news anchor's felony death charges

Go to: for more about Casey Bokhoven Winston-Salem lawyer Clark Dummit analyzed the charges brought against WXII news anchor Tolly Carr on Friday, April 20, 2007. Carr was charged with felony death by motor vehicle for the death of Casey Bokhoven. He was also charged felony serious injury by motor vehicle for the injuries suffered by his passenger and friend Fjola Wilson. Carr was previously charged with DWI (Driving While Impaired).Casey Bokhoven, age 26, was violently struck and killed by a pickup truck as he stood on a sidewalk waiting for his girlfriend. The truck, driven by WXII (Winston-Salem, NC) morning anchor Tolly Carr,vaulted over a small wall and hit Casey at 30 mph, dragging him 22 feet, hitting a building and coming to rest with Casey under the wheel. The incident occurred Sunday, March 11, 2007 around 3:40 AM. Charged with DWI, Carr admitted he had been drinking and warrants detail that he refused a Breathalizer test. Blood was taken from Carr, and the results of blood-alcohol tests have not yet been released to the public as of this date (April 20, 2007). From the WXII website, Friday, April 20, 2007 Click on ncproud for more videos about this tragic drunk driving accident.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Car Accidents Get your kids excited about math with these simple math tricks! A lot of nasty traffic accidents. For more of our videos, please visit us at Driving under the influence of alcohol, drunk driving, drinking and driving (North American English), or drink-driving (British and Australian/New Zealand English), is the act of operating a motor vehicle (and even a bicycle or horse in some jurisdictions) after having consumed alcohol (ethanol) or other drugs, to the degree that mental and motor skills are impaired. It is a crime in most countries around the world. In addition to driving under the influence of alcohol and driving under the influence of other drugs, a third "DUI" offense consists of driving under the combined influence of alcohol and other drugs. The drugs causing or contributing to the impairment need not be illegal, but can consist of lawfully prescribed or over-the-counter medication. Anti-drunk-driving advertising campaigns have aimed to raise awareness of the legal situation and the dangers of driving while intoxicated. Drunk-driving is responsible for a large number of deaths, injuries, damage and accidents every year. In most international jurisdictions, anyone who is convicted of injuring or killing someone while under the influence of alcohol or drugs can be heavily fined, as in France, in addition to being given a lengthy prison sentence.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Driving In Q8 1.m4v

"On to the death trap, also known as a highway in Kuwait" Driving in Kuwait Episode 1

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Two Men In Dallas - Part 1

Released 1976, produced by attorney Mark Lane, author of Rush To Judgement (1966). Lane tells the story of Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig. Craig was on duty on November 22nd, and made crucial observations. Unlike others, he saw nothing wrong in telling people the truth of what he observed. After his name appeared in books, articles etc., his life changed, not for the better. Attempts were made on his life; his car blew up, he was shot at, and he was practically forced off the road and barely survived the accident. Amongst his many crucial observations at the Plaza, is Oswald running down the Grassy Knoll, being picked up by a slow driving station wagon, heading west in Elm St. After being signaled to. Also the rifle with the clear stamp on the barrel reading "7.65 Mauser" found in the depository. That is only some of the crucial observations he made.

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Car Accident - Is it Time to Hire a Lawyer?

Everyday, millions of people in the United States get into their cars to go to work and trust that other drivers on the road are abiding by all of the applicable laws of their state. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of Americans get into car wrecks and are injured every year due to the negligence of others. If you have been injured in a car accident, you have to make the decision on whether or not you will need to get a lawyer. The simple answer to this questions is Yes. You should get a lawyer to represent your best interest, which is compensating you for your injuries and your loss.

First of all, keep in mind that auto accident injury cases are one of the most common types of personal injury claims in Oklahoma. Both the driver and passengers of an accident can be entitled to compensation. If you are like most of the victims in Oklahoma, you have never dealt with a car accident injury claim and may not be sure how to handle the situation. Oklahoma injury lawyers have experience handling accident claims. They deal with insurance companies every day negotiating claims against uninsured drivers, claims for serious injuries (including medical expenses) and for loss of income.

Most lawyers will tell you not to even talk to the insurance company. Insurance companies are looking out for their best interest, not yours. They want to get your claim taken care of as soon as possible and they will do their best to pay you as little as possible. Their end of the year profits rely on low paid claims. Oklahoma injury lawyers work the complete opposite end of the spectrum. At the end of the accident case, they only get paid if you get paid. Because of this, they will work diligently to stand up for your rights and the compensation you deserve.

If you have been in a car accident in Oklahoma, it is time to hire a lawyer to represent your best interest. At the end of the day, they only get paid if you get paid.

Brought to you in part by the Oklahoma Law Firm of Atkins & Markoff:
If you have a legal question for an Oklahoma Injury Lawyer regarding your rights, give Atkins & Markoff a call; if they can't help you with your problem, they'll find someone who can.

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Truck Accident Lawyers - Arnold & Itkin LLP - Houston, Texas

Truck accident lawyers at Arnold & Itkin LLP in Houston, Texas represent seriously injured victims & families of persons killed in accidents involving commercial trucks & 18-wheelers.

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Truck Accidents and Why They Happen

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, accidents involving massive trucks claim at least 5,000 lives and injure 130,000 more. In the United States more than 500,000 truck accidents occur annually. As a matter of fact, one in every eight traffic deaths involves a trucking collision. This article discusses why the statistics on truck accidents is quite high in the United States and the common causes of these accidents.

Business enterprises, big organizations and agencies of government are very dependent on commercial trucks for cargo transportation. Such trucks can have at least seventy five length and may weigh up to 80,000 pounds. When a truck with this size and weight are involved in accidents, the results are generally devastating and catastrophic. In addition, truck carrying dangerous or volatile materials might magnify the accident.

What are the common causes of truck accidents?

• Driver Fatigue
• Driver without license
• Speed
• Disobeying Safety Procedure
• Failure to comply to motor vehicle inspection
• Repair & Maintenance Failure
• Vehicle Collisions
• Failure to Yield The Right of Way
• 18 Wheeler Crash
• Loads That Shift Weight
• DUI or Driving Under the Influence/ DWI or Driving While Intoxicated
Truck Rollover
• Mechanical or Brake Failure
• Tires Impairment
• Transporting Equipment with Trailers
• Overloaded Trucks or Trailers
• Backing Up/Moving In Reverse

It has been observed that more than 75 percent of all truck accidents are mainly caused not by the truck drivers but by the negligence of drivers in smaller cars. In addition, negligence on the part of the truck driver is mainly caused due to stress and fatigue, the inability of the driver to maneuver and brake quickly and his limited vision on the road.

What I want to focus on is the issue of truck driver stress and fatigue as a common cause why trucks are involved in accidents. According to the data gathered by the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and the General Estimates System (GES), 8.15 percent of all truck-related crashes where caused by driver fatigue.

Truck driver fatigue is defined as the exhausted, sleepy or tired feeling a driver feels while on the road driving. Truck drivers have a very long working hours, strict schedules and stringent unrealistic deadlines. Generally, we can put the blame on the policies of big companies why driver fatigue is a common cause of truck-related accidents. In an effort to meet the stringent deadline and tight schedules of these companies, truck drivers oftentimes curb a lot of road safety rules, such as exceeding the speed limit.

Truck accidents claim a lot of innocent lives in the US. While results might be devastating, one way to put an end to this vicious cycle is a stringent application of the trucking laws. If you are a victim or a family member of truck accident, you may recover for your injuries and property damage if you prove that the driver of the truck committed negligence while driving. Getting a good truck accident lawyer is a key to building a strong case against the driver, the company he is working for or the manufacturer of the truck.

Charlie Prenicolas is a legal researcher who writes informative articles on Illinois civil rights, medical malpractice, and personal injury cases. For more information on reputable Chicago truck accident lawyers, kindly visit Dolan Law Offices today.

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